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What have I been up to over the last few weeks

Well since the lockdown I have been busy with a bit of work as well as 'me time'. Haha what does 'me time' mean well I'll explain that a bit later.

I have started back at the TAB and WeAreCantebury doing what I do there and enjoy what content we are putting out. I have also started a new venture with a Real Estate company and make real estate videos and that is going well and hopefully will be making some new content for them like vlogs. Haha I know. Me making vlogs but it should be fun.

As usual I am still making content for YouTube and have a few projects in the mix and the people I am working with are really interesting and can't wait to show you those videos.

Back to the 'me time'. It is more of family time mixed with a bit of taking my time doing stuff that I like doing. I am very lucky to be debt free so I have a bit of freedom with how much work I need to do but this doesn't mean I get to sit on my butt. Oh no, I still need to work hard as we all know you just never know when a rainy day or month will come like we had this year.

Anyway I hope everyone is well and are working hard for their future. Hopefully the rain will subside so we can see the sun again soon too.

Hit me up on any of the social media channels if you wanna a chat because I love hearing from people.

Kia Kaha/ Be Strong

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